HomeIn the NewsBreaking Ground for the New School of Business

Breaking Ground for the New School of Business

Southern broke ground Sept. 17 for a new home for the School of Business,  a four-story, 60,000-square-foot structure that will more than double the size of the current building.

“The new building will give us a sense of place for our students, rather than being spread out throughout the campus,” said Jennifer Robin, dean of the School of Business. “It will foster better communication and create better opportunities for experiential learning.”

The new building will include nine general classrooms, as well as several specialized classrooms and lecture halls. It also will feature a behavioral lab area with an observation room; a community room that could seat 100 people; a large classroom and administrative suite for the MBA program; and an area designated for financial market and data analytics.

A stock market ticker will be observable outside the first floor, near the corner of Wintergreen and Farnham avenues. And the school’s new Business Success Center will have locations for employers to meet with and interview Southern students, and programs to assist students with their job searches and career planning.

It will also be the first building constructed by the state to be net-zero in terms of carbon footprint – powered by energy from geothermal wells and solar panels.

Read an article in New Haven Biz, “SCSU officially breaks ground on new School of Business,” by Michelle Tuccitto Sullo (Sept. 17, 2021).


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