Congratulations to students who have earned a place on the Dean’s List or the President’s List. This honor is reserved for students who have achieved outstanding academic success for the semester in their college or school, and exemplify dedication and commitment to their studies.
Full-time undergraduate students enrolled in a degree program must earn at least 12 credits, and achieve a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher to be eligible for Dean’s List each semester, or achieve a semester GPA of 4.0 to be eligible for President’ List each semester. Full-time students are evaluated and awarded at the end of each fall and spring semester.
Part-time undergraduate students enrolled in a degree-program must earn at least 12 credits overall in the fall and spring semester, and achieve a GPA of 3.5 or higher in each semester to be eligible for Dean’s List, or achieve a semester GPA of 4.0 to be eligible for President’s List. Part-time students are only evaluated and awarded annually at the end of the spring semester.
Congratulations to all of the Spring 2023 honorees! Download graphics and share to your social media:

2023 Dean’s List and President’s List Honorees:
List | College/School | First Name | Last Name |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jack | Abbot |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Natalie | Accardi |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Nev | Acevedo |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Madison | Acquarulo |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ashley | Aguilera |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Fatima | Ahmad |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Christopher | Akinduro |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Rianna | Albert |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Duaa | Ali |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Julia | Alicea |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Katelyn | Alix |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mujidat | Alli-Balogun |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sabrina | Alvarez |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Vincent | Alves |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Clarisse | Aminawung |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Laura | Ammerman |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Casey | An |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Colin | Anderson |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Zaria | Anderson |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Carina | Andrea |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Tony | Antos |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Gabriela | Arce Lanzo |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Audrey | Arnold |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Liz | Arnone |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jennifer Moses | Arulraj Moses |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Faith | Auletta |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jose | Avila |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Connor | Backes |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Estela | Baka |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Rassica | Bakane |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ray | Baker |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alynn | Balocca |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Louisa | Bangam |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Isaiah | Banks |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Andreina | Barajas Novoa |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Azula | Barnes |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Cameron | Barnes |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jennifer | Barragan |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Marla | Barragan |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Angela | Barresi |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Adam | Bartocetti |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jewel | Beaty |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Christopher | Beauvais |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Caroline | Bednar |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Samuel | Beebe |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Shannon | Bell |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Taryn | Bellinger |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jillian | Bendtsen |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Norman | Benedict |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jenna | Bennett |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sydney | Bennett |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Joseph | Bernabucci |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Grace | Best |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Anna | Biewald |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Keith | Bodnar |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ethan | Boehm |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kaity | Bolding |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Britney | Bondos |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ally | Bonilla |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alex | Borruso |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Khaoula | Boulhadi |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jade | Brennan |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Justin | Brennan |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Madison | Brenning |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Amanda | Brinkmann |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Zachary | Brocklehurst |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jordan | Brown |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kathrine | Brown |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Neylani | Brown |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Caileigh | Brownell |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Trevor | Burch |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kaytlyn | Caban |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Griffin | Campbell |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Noa | Cancelmo |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Atticus | Canham-Clyne |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Nicholas | Cappello |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Shane | Carey |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Hugh | Carlson |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jaylen | Carr |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Joshua | Carr |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Xia’ian | Carrasco |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Dom | Carrillo |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Hailey | Carter |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Abaigheal | Cassella |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Bella | Cassin |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Paola | Castillo |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Yamilet | Castillo |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kevin | Cathey |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ethan | Chaplinski |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jazaun | Charles |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jose | Chavez |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mayte | Chica |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Peter | Chukwu |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Patrick | Civitelli |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Theresa | Cocola |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Oliver | Colacino |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Derrick | Coleman |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Leah | Coleman |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Antonio | Coles |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Gager | Collier |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Leah | Coppola |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kayla | Corey |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Diana | Corleto |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Connor | Corrente |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Joseph | Cortez |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Michael | Cosenza |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Lemuel | Cosme |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Chad | Coveyduck |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mollie | Craig |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Melissa | Crisci |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alexina | Cristante |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Hailey | Cruz |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jancel | Cruz |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Holden | Culotta |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Searlait | Curtiss |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Eduardo | Cury |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sarah | D’Alto |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Hla | Dadoush |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Samuel | Daher |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jack | Daley |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Brianne | Daly |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Adoria | Davidson |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Edouard | De Parcevaux |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Daniel | DeGirolomo |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Faith | DeRosa |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kerry | Decker |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Breanna | Delagrange |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Joseph | Delgado |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mark | Delima |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Olivia | Delisle |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Larry | Delucia |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Briana | Delvalle |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Isabelle | Dennehy |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Vanity | Dennis |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alexandria | Depaul |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Glen | Diaz |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Roberto | Didiano |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Stephen | Diggs |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Victoria | Dimenstein |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Michael | Disanzo |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Justine | Dobbin |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Brooke | Doolan |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ryan | Dorrian |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Caileigh | Driscoll |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Lindsay | Drozd |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Bryce | Drynan |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kayla | Duarte |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Rosana | Duarte |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Julia | Durso |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Amanda | Egan |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Phillip | Eldridge |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Maya | Epps |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Taryn | Esdaile |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Theophania | Espinal |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Marlin | Fabela |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Joseph | Faller |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Noah | Farnham |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Larissa | Fatone |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Michaela | Feaster |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Daniel | Fedak |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Brianna | Feighery |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Matthew | Feinberg |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Samuel | Feliciano |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Lex | Ferguson |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ashley | Fernandes |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jake | Filippone |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Anthony | Fino |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Tyler | Fisher |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Parker | Fitzgerald |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mya | Flis |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Liam | Flite |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Stephanie | Flores |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Vanessa | Flores |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mariaceleste | Florian |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Joshua | Foley |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Isabelle | Fortier |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jeremy | Fralin |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Raul | Franco – Roman |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Max | Frischling |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Brandon | Fulton |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Anthony | Gaeta |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | William | Gagné |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Anthony | Gambardella |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Michael | Gambardella |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Joseph | Gambino |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Pamela | Garcia |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Xavier | Garcia |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jaeden | Gatison |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Talia | Gaudio |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ashley | Geissler |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jessica | Giammattei |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Nico | Giano |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Peter | Gjuraj |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Justice | Glasgow |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Julia | Glenn |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Anthony | Godfrey |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Crystal | Golias |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kyle | Gomes |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | David | Gomez |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kaytlin | Gomez |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Melissa | Gomez |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Idalys | Gonzalez |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Anasia | Gordon |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Olivia | Grabinski |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jasmine | Graciano |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alexander | Grant |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Rakim | Grant |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | David | Green |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ian | Green |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Taylor | Green |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Lee | Greenwald |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Julia | Grounds |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Tanisha | Guadalupe De Jesús |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kate | Gunnip |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Amanda | Hall |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Samantha | Harmon |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Madison | Harris |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Piper | Harris |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Travis | Hart |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Marley | Hauer |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Dylan | Hegedus |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Audrey | Helmetag |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kayla | Hendricks |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Iran | Hernandez |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alexis | Hill |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Shayla | Hill |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Isabella | Hodson |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ren | Hoerner |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Tracy | Hoey |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Tyler | Holloway |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Dahlona | Holmes-Mckenna |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kristiana | Holt |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Isabelle | Hommel |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Nicholas | Horan |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Callie | Hoyt |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Vicky | Hu |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kyle | Hubbell |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Shamir | Hughes |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Amanda | Hunt |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jailyn | Hunt |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Nailah | Huq |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Thomas | Hurley |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Brooke | Isaacson |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ayana | Jain |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Zakai | James |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kayla | Jefferson |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Hannah | Johansson |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Spencer | Jones |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Trey | Jones |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | James | Joy |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jenna | Joyce |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mike | Juarez-Sartillo |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kevin | Jubb |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jonnathan | Juela |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Lola | Julia |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Craig | June |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Leila | Kabbani |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Connor | Kareliussen |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Brooke | Keeney |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Anastasia | Kelaidi-Marottoli |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Oliver | Kelsey |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Lynn | Kermode |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Haylee | Kilfeather |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Lauren | Kiluk |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Luke | Kim |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Bria | Kirklin |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Christina | Klepacki |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sophia | Kokosinska |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Anjay | Kornacki |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Pierce | Kozlowski |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ava | Krajewski |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Allison | Kross |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jamison | Kulesa |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kylen | Kuroski |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Matilda | Kutschinski |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Lindsay | Laiks |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Lambert | Lambert-Prescott |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Spencer | Lane |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Helena | Lang |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sara | Lareau |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Tristan | Lariccia |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Nathan | Lavery |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Victoria | Lawrence |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Zachary | Leach |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Michael | Leake |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Christa | Lehr |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Nick | Letizia |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Benjamin | Lichack |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Xenia | Llamas |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Avery | Loomis |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mia | Lorenti |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Valeria | Loseto |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Marissa | Ludgis |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Devin | Lyon |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Julia | Maclennan |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Coty | Maher |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jenna | Mahmoud |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Max | Mai |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Myesha | Mapp |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Amanda | Marquis |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Elizabeth | Martin |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Anthony | Martingano |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Max | Martone |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Shafqat | Mashrakey |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alyssa | Masi |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Franklin | Massimi |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Rylee | Massoni |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Nicolas | Mattarelli |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Theo | Mayer |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Bianka | McDougal |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Elisedd | McGinley |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Timothy | Mccrae Jr. |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jamanie | Mcfarlene |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Allen | Mckeever |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | John | Mcneill |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Miles | Meade |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Brittany | Medinger |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ashley | Melville |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Zachary | Mercado |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Joseph | Merly |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ashley | Metcalf |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Erika | Michie |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Eric | Miguel |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Aaron | Miller |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kelly | Mjos |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Cornelius | Monahan |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Oscar | Montoya Vazquez |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kaitlyn | Moore-Markey |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Nicholas | Moran |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kelsey | Morrissey |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ciara | Mortimer |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Iyanna | Mosley |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kacee | Mulligan |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Paulo | Muniz |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Gillian | Murray |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Daniel | Najmowicz |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Zachary | Nakonechny |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Paula | Naranjo |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mariangelis | Negron |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Cassie | Nemec |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Julia | Nemec |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Isabella | Newbury |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Shynasia | Newton |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Crystal | Nguyen |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Linda | Nguyen |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Rachel | Nguyen |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Victor | Nieves |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Liberty | Nocito |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sabrina | Nogula |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Richard | Norton |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | James | O’brien |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Riley | Ocasio |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kiara | Oehler |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Gillian | Ofori-Ntiamoah |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sydney | Ogden |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | James | Olvera |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Hilary | Opperman |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Taylor | Orie |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alexandra | Ortiz-Vega |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Abdul | Osmanu |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sara | Osorio |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mack | Paddock |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Paul | Pagano |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Isaia | Pardo |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Grace | Parker |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Luisianna | Parra |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Brenda | Pastor |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Martina | Pastore |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jalak | Patel |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Romi | Patel |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | N’zyia | Patterson |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Brady | Pearson |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Colin | Pedersen |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Magdalene | Peluso |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Karina | Pena |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Marlon | Pena |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ricardo | Pena |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Zamagee | Pendergrass |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Stella | Pennacchini |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Noliel | Perez |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Randy | Perez |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Emalie | Peters |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Tess | Peters |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Taylor | Petrie |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jay | Phan |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ty | Phelan |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alaina | Pierce |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Joseph | Pinciaro |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Lawrence | Pirone |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Onpreeya | Plandee |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alex | Plotkin |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Luke | Poirier |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ryan | Pollard |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Abbey | Popolizio |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Gage | Posick |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Rease | Pouncey |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Christina | Pratt |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mallory | Preiss |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Zoe | Pringle |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Daniela | Quesada |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Katelyn | Quinn |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Diana | Quiroga |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Rezvee | Rahman |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Daniel | Ramirez |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mahagany | Rawls |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Connor | Reardon |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Janae | Reid |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Caroline | Reilly |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Darwin | Remache |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alyssa | Reyes |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Azhaleia | Reyes |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Madeline | Reyes |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Gaelen | Rhoads |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Crystal | Rhone |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alexander | Rice |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Autumn | Ries |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Byron | Rios-Parada |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Steven | Ripley |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Dali | Rivas |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jorge | Rivera |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Lourdes | Rivera |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Max | Rivera |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Joshua | Riznyk |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jake | Roberson |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Charmaine | Robichaud |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Bradley | Robidoux |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Beatriz | Rocha de Freitas |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Eva | Rodriguez |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Yvonna | Rodriguez |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Trinidad | Rodriguez Ricchiuti |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Elizabeth | Romanova |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jose | Roque |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Roma | Rositani |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | John | Rosso |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alexandra | Rossomando |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Hailey | Roy |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Gianna | Rubino |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Matthew | Ruiz |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Carly | Russell |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Dakota | Russell |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Chris | Rynich |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Oscar | Sagastume |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Catharine | Salazar |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jake | Salutari |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Michaela | Salzo |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Manuella | Sam |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Matthew | Sampt |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Julien | Sanchez Levallois |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Angie | Sandoval |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Givan | Santiago |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Julianna | Santiago |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kiarra | Santiago |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Hayden | Saranich |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Morgan | Sartor |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Cristian | Sayers |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Wyatt | Schadt |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Nautica | Schaefer |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Phoebe | Schechner |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Joshua | Schumacher |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Emily | Schwartz |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Bianca | Seaton |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Khadidja | Seck |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Klevis | Sejdaras |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Brenda | Sepulveda |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Daniela | Sevilla |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Michelle | Shaw |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Catherine | Sheehan |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sarah | Shelton |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Annelyse | Sherman |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Cole | Sierpinski |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jacqueline | Silano |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Cassidy | Silvernail |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Angelina | Simeoli |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Aidan | Simmons |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Taryn | Simmons |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ashley | Simon |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Connor | Skarzynski |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Autumn | Smith |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Caitlin | Smith |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Tre | Smith |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Brittany | Soriano |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alexis | Sorrell |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Samir | Souidi |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | John | Southworth |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | James | Standish |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Rebecca | Stanton |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jacob | Stephens |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Olivia | Sullivan |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Fatima | Sultana |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ehsan | Sumra |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mandy | Sur |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kylie | Swatt |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alexis | Szymecki |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Shannon | Tagg |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Dillon | Tall |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Angie | Tapia |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Tiago | Taveira |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Shanna | Taylor |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ivan | Teplyakov |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Cody | Terra |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Darious | Texira |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sharif | Thani |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Morgan | Thibodeau |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Judith | Thompson |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Justin | Threet |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Eliana | Tolentino |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Elisa | Tolentino |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Maria | Tomas |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Isaiah | Torres |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Valerie | Torres |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Adriana | Tourangeau |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Dalena | Tran |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Karli | Travis |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Spenser | Trella |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Samuel | Trumbley |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | John | Tu |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sarah | Tufts |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Julia | Turner |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jeremy | Turpin |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Andrew | Uyar |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mychele | Vaillancourt |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Claire-Massalah | Val-Fils |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Olivia | Vallejo |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Wilson | Valois |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Aedy | VanHouten |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Austin | Vance |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Gregory | Vanderlyn |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mia | Varney |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Amanda | Vasas |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jay’Mi | Vazquez |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Stefan | Veenhuis |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jada | Vermont |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Nicholas | Vissicchio |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jackson | Volenec |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Heather | Vollhardt |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Devon | Wagner |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Candace | Walker |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Wes | Webb |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Micaela | Webster |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Natalie | Weier |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Emily | Weiner |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alyson | Wentzell |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Anne | Widman |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Tavonne | Williams |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sherron | Williamson |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Devon | Wilson |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Bailey | Windischman |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sky’e | Womack |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Justyn | Wongwiwat |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sedona | Worth |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Natalie | Wright |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Debbie | Yerinides |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Henry | Young |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Robert | Zapor |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Hanna | Zebdi |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Oliver | Zephirin |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Robert | Ziaks |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Shirley | Zullo |
Dean’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alexandra | de Andrade |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Flaminia | Aceranti |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Diana | Adams |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ally | Agovino |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Andrew | Albin |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Cody | Altieri |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jaimi | Anderson |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sagan | Anderson |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Brian | Andrade |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Derrick | Arnold |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Julia | Baehr |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Abigail | Bajorek |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Haylee | Bango |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Gregory | Bellinger |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Nikki | Benard |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Viktoria | Biblekaj |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Tyler | Bizier |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sierra | Blank |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Megan | Boretsky |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Peter | Borzillo |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ray | Boucher |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Anya | Boyd |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Connor | Broderick |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Braeden | Burke |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Emily | Calderone |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kyle | Caldwell |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Oriana | Camacho Escalona |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Brian | Cambisaca |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Shane | Carvin |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jordan | Cervantes |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Evan | Champagne |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Stephanie | Chapman |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ian | Cheung |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Joseph | Ciccone |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Marie | Connors |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alyssa | Couture |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Emilia | Cruz |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kayla | Cummings |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Hunter | Dale |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Caroline | Daria |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jordan | Davey |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kristin | Davis |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Tom | Dawber |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alex | Dedam |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Nayeli | Delgado Santiago |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jillian | Divergilio |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Melanie | Doak |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sam | Egan |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kaye | Feinberg |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Gabby | Festa |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Bria | Fielding |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Logan | Flanigan |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Anthony | Forbes |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Dominik | Frackiewicz |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Marissa | Fusco |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Susan | Garlington |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Heather Rae | Gaydowen |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mason | Ginter |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Shawn | Gokey |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Mia | Grella |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Andriy | Grynyk |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Farah | Hamada |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jonathan | Hannon |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Vanessa | Heigel |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Zehra | Hidimoglu |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Danielle | Hill |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Yvonne | Hinds |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sam | Howard |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Samantha | Hunnicutt |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Katherine | Hunt |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jetlira | Islami |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Matthew | Jaansalu |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Brooke | Jack |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Chaniya | Jackson |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sarah | Jacovino |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Emma | Jamieson |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Anna | Jani |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sarah | Johnson |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Leo | Jolly |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Krista | Jones |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Olivia | Just |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Trevanna | Kandrach |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jeremy | Kearns |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ava | Kelly |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kelly | King |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Francesca | Kleine |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sarah | Kronengold |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Hannah | Krutz |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Anthony | Lacerenza |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jared | Lansford |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alex | Lazar |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Juliana | Lee |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Caleb | Leu |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Alexis | Light |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Brianna | Lopez |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Daymary | Lopez |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ash | Marchevsky |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Lily | Marine |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Abbi | Marselli |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kyle | Mashia-Thaxton |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sarah | Masotta |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Hannah | Mata |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Michelle | Matias |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kyle Adrian | Medina |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Derek | Melanson |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Sydney | Munger |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Natalie | Ney |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Eleanor | Noyes |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Michelle | Ober |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Daniella | Occhineri |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Inez | Ortiz |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Olivia | Ortiz |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Amanda | Pascale |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kady | Pedersen |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jillian | Pernal |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Carissa | Perone |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Treena | Pitts |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Fabian | Plummer |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Hannah | Pokornowski |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kristen | Powell |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Luisa | Prado |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jay | Prizio |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Christine | Reid |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Morgan | Reilly |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Emma | Renker |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kathya | Reynosa |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Abigail | Richards |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Olivia | Richter |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Renee | Robles |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jasmine | Rodriguez |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Maya | Rose |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Tiana | Ruan |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ethan | Sabetta |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Harry | Sanders Iv |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jonah | Santiana |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Destiny | Santoni |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Angelina | Santos |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Maclean | Sarr |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Madeline | Scharf |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Paige | Scott |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Samantha | Scott |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Shannon | Searles |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Lydia | Sekscenski |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Amanda | Sherman |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kayla | Siemer |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Catherine | Sigg |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Arnold | Signell |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Michael | Smith |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Taylor | Stanford |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ellie | Stepanskiy |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Michelle | Szabo |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Nikeila | Thompson |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Isabella | Tilson |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kai | Torre |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Parker | Toth |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Gabi | Tunucci |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Cailyn | Valentine |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Catarina | Velez |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Jorge | Vera Monge |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Edith | Vincze-Farago |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kaylee | Wagner |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Connie | Walker |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | John | Walsh |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Allison | Wang |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Calder | Waugh |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Kyla | Wetherall |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Molly | Whittington |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Shannon | Winters |
President’s List | College of Arts & Sciences | Ashley | Zdeb |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Marly | Ahearn |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Alexa | Alchimio |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Libby | Allen |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Khadija | Ally |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Sera | Amato |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Miranda | Anderson |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Sierra | Andrews |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Julie | Antonini |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Brianna | Aponte |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Lily | Balidemaj |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Jessica | Banks |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Rebecca | Barnikow |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Justin | Biafore |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Reign | Bowman |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Kara | Brough |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Sydney | Caccamo |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Jillian | Carroza |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Neissa | Celik |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Alexa | Charney |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Cole | Chizmadia |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Reed | Connell |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Nicole | Cordero |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Sophia | Costa |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Liliana | Cremonini |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Sam | Crowther |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Chloe | Dacosta |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Chantell Dail | Dail |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Annalise | DeRusso |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Brian | Delfino |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Lily | Deloma |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Kaitlin | Demakos |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Elizabeth | Dipiero |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Donovan | Doviak |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Angela | Duro |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Alexa | Ekstrom |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Abby | Ferland |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Olivia | Foran |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Trevor | Frisbie |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Sonia | Garcia |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Sabrina | Garcia-Kiehnle |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Ashley | Garza |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Coleen Joi | Gaydowen |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Sydney | Gigliotti |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Olivia | Gizzi |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Christina | Gleason |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Mackenzie | Glenn |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Alexandra | Guido |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Leeah | Gunneson |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Kylee | Gustafson |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Kira | Hartnett |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Maddie | Hathorn |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Stephanie | Hines |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Kelsey | Improta |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Karae | Jacobs |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Emily | Jankura |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Eve | Jarvis |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Laura | Jones |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Katherine | Klemme |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Sara | Kochiss |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Meridith | Korn |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Allyson | Labarre |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Ashley | Lanzaro |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Alexandra | Laudun |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Abigail | Leckey |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Choongwoo | Lee |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Jennifer | Lemus-Amaya |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Troi | Lloyd |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Kristina | Long |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Marcos | Lopez |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Elizabeth | Luckner |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Selbie | Lyons |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Samantha | Maces |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Christian | Mansfield |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Sydney | Manzo |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Loren | Maradiaga |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Sophie | Marcella |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Cassidy | Marchitto |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Lauren | Marini |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Alyssa | Marlin |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Cheraynne | Martin |
Dean’s List | College of Education | John | Marx |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Maeve | Mcadams |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Kobyna | Mensah |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Elisabeth | Molnar |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Sabrina | Mone |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Aiden | Moore |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Shreya | Munshi |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Kerrigan | Murphy |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Heather | Needham |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Emma | Ng |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Ellie | O’Rourke |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Ronan | O’reilly |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Angelica | Olivo |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Miriam | Osbourne |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Melannie | Parra |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Colleen | Pelletier |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Latrice | Peterson |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Rachel | Peyser |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Arleth | Pilatasig |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Nitza | Pinto |
Dean’s List | College of Education | John | Pottenger |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Stanislav | Rakov |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Amelia | Raucci |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Mary | Rosko |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Lindsey | Rowland |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Rachel | Rowland |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Kyle | Russell |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Michela | Rutigliano |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Colin | Ryan |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Kaylee | Salas |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Kiomarie | Sanchez |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Katie | Schulte |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Kelsey | Shipman |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Anjeza | Skudrinja |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Jada | Stewart |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Liz | Tyghter de Velásquez |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Alyssa | Ulrich |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Jason | Vinisko |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Lila | Walsh |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Tiona | Watts |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Cora | Welsh |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Zhouyang | Weng |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Jonathan | Williams |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Katie | Williamson |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Alayna Sofia | Woodhams |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Elif | Yildiz |
Dean’s List | College of Education | Emily | Young |
President’s List | College of Education | Catherine | Allen |
President’s List | College of Education | Kaleen | Barbieri |
President’s List | College of Education | Olivia | Delcegno |
President’s List | College of Education | Autumn | Dempsey |
President’s List | College of Education | Sara | Desing |
President’s List | College of Education | Jayde | Eggert |
President’s List | College of Education | Christina | Falkenstein |
President’s List | College of Education | Zoe | Feay |
President’s List | College of Education | Erin | Foley |
President’s List | College of Education | Delanie | Fresco-Hawes |
President’s List | College of Education | Alyvia | Frobel |
President’s List | College of Education | Makayla | Hulton |
President’s List | College of Education | Jacque | Jurewicz |
President’s List | College of Education | Josephine | Kendrick |
President’s List | College of Education | Jaime | Kleindienst |
President’s List | College of Education | Alexis | Luft |
President’s List | College of Education | Megan | Mancarella |
President’s List | College of Education | Natalie | Marini |
President’s List | College of Education | Anna | Marvin |
President’s List | College of Education | Elizabeth | Merkt |
President’s List | College of Education | Sabeeba | Mohideen Huot |
President’s List | College of Education | Katie | Norton |
President’s List | College of Education | Elisa | Pearson |
President’s List | College of Education | Cindy | Reyes |
President’s List | College of Education | Tyler | Severino |
President’s List | College of Education | Tyler | Sharron |
President’s List | College of Education | Melanie | Shea |
President’s List | College of Education | Nicole | Skelly |
President’s List | College of Education | Kaylee | Sudimick |
President’s List | College of Education | Caitlin | Walker |
President’s List | College of Education | Asher | Zaccagnino |
President’s List | College of Education | Rhianna | deAndrade |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Reem | Abdel-Hack |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ahlam | Abdulla |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Perla | Abreu |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Natalia | Adamczyk |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Anota | Adesanya |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jennifer | Adorno |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emily | Aguirre |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Megan | Ahern |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Amanda | Aitro |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Elijah | Alvarado |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Danielle | Alves |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | George Anne | Amar |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Abel | Amaya |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ellie | Ambrose |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Rebecca | Anastasio |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Grace | Andrade |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Chloe | Andree |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Viorica | Andronic |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Zaavia | Ansari |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jocelyn | Aquino |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Annalisa | Arias |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Samantha | Aridoux |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | David | Ashley |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Eirenie | Athanasoulis |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Abby | Aughe |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Amoy | Austin |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Trystan | Ayala |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kyle | Badorek |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sidra | Baloch |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Rachel | Balogh |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Marian Chelsea | Barcial |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Leon | Bardwell |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Josiah | Barker |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Talisa | Barnes |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Taleicia | Barnhill |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | James | Barra |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ruben | Barthelemy |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Melva | Bartlett |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ricki | Barton |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Adelisa | Basuljevic |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lizbeth | Bauza |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kelsey | Beas |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Valeria | Bedoya Garcia |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Megan | Beegan |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Cameron | Belton |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jocelyn | Benitez |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kayla | Benjamin |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lyla | Bennett |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Joseph | Bennetta |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sydney | Benoit |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Alan | Bensen |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Erika | Benson |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Maria | Bernabucci |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Abiba | Biao |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ryan | Blakeslee |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Julia | Blanchard |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brooks | Blauser |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Skyler | Boibeaux |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Andra | Bojka |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Molly | Bomann |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kayla | Bonaldo |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jennifer | Botsko |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Danielle | Bousquet |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Taylor | Bowie |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jay | Boynton |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nicholas | Braga |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Trinity | Brandt |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Hannah | Brighindi |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kayla | Britton |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Angela | Broadway |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kadeem | Brown |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Martiniesha | Brown |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Mikayla | Bruton |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Julianna | Buehler |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Rileigh | Bunton |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lindsay | Burnham |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Julianna | Butler |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Janee | Byrd |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brianna | Caffrey |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Joshua | Cala |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Isabella | Calabro |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Joey | Cambareri |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Vinnie | Campagnuolo |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Megan | Campbell |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Delilah | Cancel |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Antonio | Capomolla |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Haille | Cash |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Aniela | Cashman |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Julia | Casimiro |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Hayley | Cassella |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Anthony | Castellano |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Aleimy | Castro |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Izadorha | Cayo |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Luca | Cazzaniga |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Loretta | Cecchini |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Dayanna | Chacon |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Wula | Cham |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Tavares | Chamble |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nikki | Chasse |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kelly | Chmielewski |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Alyssah | Chouinard |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Travis | Christopher |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Alyssa | Ciccarini |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nolan | Cloutier |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Monica | Collette |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Michael | Collins |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Tessiny | Colon |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Daniel | Comcowich |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ashley | Conley |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Katrina | Corbeil |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Olivia | Corbett |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Shailagh | Corcoran |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Matthew | Cosgrove |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Xhensila | Cota |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Delaney | Cotter |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Theodore | Coulombe |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nick | Crowley |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Perla | Cuatzo |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Caitlin | Curran |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Stephanie | Custodia |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jenna | Cyr |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Tiffany | D’Elia |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Evan | D’onofrio |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Maria (Mia) | Damiano |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Juliana | Dasilva |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Amber | DeLuca |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kathleen | DeMaio |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Adira | DeMatteo |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Paige | Dean |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Christianne | Delda |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Paige | Delier |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Julian | Dematteo |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nicholle | Denault |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kay | Denison |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jamie | DiPasquale |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Mathew | DiVito |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Samantha | Diaz |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brandon | Dicaro |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Taylor | Dimiero |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Gloria | Ditommaso |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Matt | Dodge |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brianna | Dorr |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Marce | Dorval |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Siomara | Dos Santos |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Claire | Douglas |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sofia | Drewniany |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Allison | Dube |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Dominique | Dube |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Christian | Dunn |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Taylor | D’Amato |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Dominic | D’Aurio |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kayla | Eaddy |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Janaya | Edwards |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Shawn | Eisensmith |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jessica | Ejlli |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brianna | Ek |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Craig | Elliott |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brad | Ellithorpe |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Katie | Esposito |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ally | Essig |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Da’Sha | Evans |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Khelsi | Evans |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Shadae | Evans |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Abigail | Facey |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emma | Fain |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kayleigh | Falcone |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Juliana | Farmer |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Amaya | Faust |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Melissa | Fernandez-Castillo |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lily | Ferranti |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Alexis | Ficeto |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Tyler | Filley |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Amanda | Fleurancy |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nicole | Folson |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jillian | Foote |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nick | Fournier |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Mckathy | Francis |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jasmine | Franco |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kisha | Francois |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Paula | Frankowski |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Breanna | Fredericks |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nolan | Freeman |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Xiomara | Freire |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Morgan | Frenette |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Zachary | Frey |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Princess | Frimpong |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Stephanie | Galindo |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kayla | Gambardella |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Paige | Gambardella |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Matthew | Gerrity |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Angela | Gerry |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Grace | Gilbert |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Aimee | Girard |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Berenice | Giron |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Gabriella | Gjoni |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Melanie | Gloster |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Alana | Gokey |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jomelene Rose | Golbin |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kayla | Goodrich |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Meghan | Gorman |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Veenita | Govinden |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Georgia | Gray |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jillian | Gray |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Daisy | Green |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Latavia | Grey |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kathleen | Griffin |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | James | Griffiths |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Angela | Grindrod |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Natalia | Gruszkos |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Stephanie | Guartan |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Caleigh | Guerra |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Zehra | Guven |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kim | Habasinski |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Delaney | Haines |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Matthew | Haley |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jocelyn | Hanley |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lindsay | Harding |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Austin | Harms |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sharell | Harris |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Gwenevere | Healey |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Zachary | Healy |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ash | Hemphill |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Courtney | Henchcliffe |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Austin | Herb |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Gillian | Herget |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Luis | Hernandez |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Donnie | Higgins |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Tia | Hines |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Katherine | Hinestroza-Carvajal |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Andrew | Horobin |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Luke | Horobin |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Zachary | Horobin |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Toni | Horton |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kara | Howell |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Mayel | Hubbard |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nathanael | Huebner |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Shelby | Hughes |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Thomas | Hughes |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Catherine | Hunter |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Patrick | Hurley |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Elif | Ibis |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Berrit | Ilunga |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Hannah | Ives |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Miriam | Jackman |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kiley | Jackson |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Derrick | Jagello |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kate | Jakobson |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Cheyanne | James |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Keysi | Jara Calle |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Samantha | Jarry |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Grace | Jaworowski |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jalen | Jean |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Val | Jenkins |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ben | Jesulaitis |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Erika | Johnson |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jada | Johnson |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Qristopher | Johnson |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kayla | Jurzyk |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Mirella | Juvera Carrillo |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Caryn | Kaelin |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Naomi | Kamara |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Samantha | Kaufman |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Harleen | Kaur |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Carissa | Kavarnos |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Victoria | Keayes |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Arjon | Keklik |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sophia | Khan |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Noah | Kharbouch |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Madison | Killoran |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Bernadette | Kingsbury |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Samantha | Klapproth |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Aidan | Knappe |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sarafinah | Kolaski |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Megan | Koscinski |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Zachary | Krantz |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sarah | Kroes |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sophie | Kurtz |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jeffrey | Kuzoian |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Stephanie | LaMacchia |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brooke | LaValle |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Felicia | Laguerre |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jennifer | Laneville |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emily | Lange |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ashanty | Lara |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Irene | Laramie |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jeremy | Lavorgna |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Annastasia | Layton |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Roemello | Leary |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Gianna | Lecce |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Angel | Lee |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Francis | Lembo |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | William | Lesko |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Zenae | Lewis |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lauren | Lifrieri |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Leea Lindsey | Lindsey |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Shane | Lister |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kirsten | Littell |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Alison | Lizardi |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Dylan | Loffredo |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Allison | Long |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Laysha | Lopez |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Maria | Lopez |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Melissa | Lopez |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Megan | Lower |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Amber | Lucatino |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emily | Lucibella |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Samantha | Luong |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lilly | Macfadyen |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ella | Maclean |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Raymond | Magliozzi |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nicholas | Mancini |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Elliot | Markman |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brianna | Marriott |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Gracie | Marsh |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Mackenzie | Marshall |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Reinaldo | Martinez |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Gabriella | Martinez Aragon |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Hailey | Marziarz |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Liana | Masangkay |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kaitlynn | Mascia |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Erik | Masocco |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Mellody | Massaquoi |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Evauna | Matejek |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Maria | Mauriello |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Maya | Maxton |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Colin | McCarthy |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kirsten | McIntire |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jayleen | Mcbride |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Mariah | Mcbride |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ahzanay | Mccall |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lindsay | Mccawley |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Alyssa | Mccomb |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nicole | Mcfarlane |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Chardonae | Mckogg |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ashley | Mcpherson |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kara | Mealey |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Luba | Melnyk |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Susanna | Mewha |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Logan | Miceli |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kaci | Minto |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Saana | Mohammed |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Luke | Molwitz |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lex | Morales |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Shailyne | Morales |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emily | Moran |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kayleigh | Morgan |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Oniecia | Morgan |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Zoe | Morris |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Samuel | Morzella |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Christian | Mota |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Olivia | Mowrey-Sargent |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Araya | Munoz |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sada | Mussa |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Fatou | Muteba |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Claudia | Myrtaj |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Keneth | Nandkisore |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Tori | Nanfito |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | John | Natal |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Stanley | Nganga |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Alvie | Nguyen |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Cassandra | Nguyen |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Tracy | Nham |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jace | Nhean |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Taylor | Nichols |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jenna | Niro |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Melissa | Noble |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Rory | Nolan |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Tabatha | Novoa |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Laurent | Ntonga Mpeke |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Robert | Nunez |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Marybeth | Nwagboli |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Fiona | O’Hara |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Cordelia | Obadigbo |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Gabriel | Okeke |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kaylee | Olenoski |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Raquel | Oliveras |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Leah | Olmstead |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lucia | Orellana |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Esther | Orji |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Olivia | Osterberg |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Saad | Ouro Djeri |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brianna | Parham |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Faerin | Parker |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jordan | Parsons |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Pari | Patel |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sajan | Patel |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Payton | Pazsak |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Katie | Pelletier |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Julia | Pelliccia |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Gillian | Penna |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brianna | Pereira |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Paola | Pereira |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Stephany | Perez Estrada |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Anthony | Perricone |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jacob | Petruzzi |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lucas | Pettway |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emma | Piatek |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Isabella | Piccirillo |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Gianna | Pierandi |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | John | Pisano |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jessica | Pitts |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kristiana | Plaku |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brianna | Poissant |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Rachel | Popoca |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brittany | Post |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Isabela | Prazeres |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Savannah | Prince |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Heather | Pritchard |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Natalia | Prukalski |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Michael | Puglio |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Morgan | Ramsay |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jeremy | Rand |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Samuel | Reardon |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kevin | Reilly |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Payton | Reis |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Azucena | Reyes |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Luis | Reyes |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Anayla | Richardson |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Maddie | Richman |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Yarimarie | Robles |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Naomi | Rodriguez |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Erika | Romero |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Amanda | Rondini |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Autumn | Rooke |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Keishla | Rosario |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jacob | Rose |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Abby | Royer |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Erica | Royle |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Isabelle | Rubano |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Allie | Ruel |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Vanessa | Ruiz |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ashley | Saab |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Gabriella | Saad |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Rocco | Samoker |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Denisse | Sanchez |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kiara | Sanchez |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emily | Sandin |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Angela | Saraceno |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Alexis | Satiro |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ashley | Schaffer |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Rachel | Schaffer |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Alfred | Scheetz |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Martina | Scott |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Bella | Searles |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ginny | Sebas |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Orest | Seniw |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Mary | Seward |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sarah | Shaffer |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nadesha | Shakes |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brianna | Shaw |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Cindy | Shiwgobin |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Matthew | Showalter |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Huda | Shraiki |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Matheus | Silva |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Valentina | Silva |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jared | Smith |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nicole | Smith |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Orlando | Smith |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Envy | Solis |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Stephanie | Soto |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Valeria | Sotomayor |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lilly | Spagnoletti |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jenna | Spayd |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Michelle | St. Germain |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Hannah | Stahlbrodt |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Chloe | Stancuna |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Tylen | Stanley-Jennette |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lyndsey | Stanwicks |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jenna | Stash |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Aaron | Stein |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jacob | Stein |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nia | Sterling |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Holly | Stern |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emani | Stewart |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Eric | Suda |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Colby | Sullivan |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Laci | Sullivan |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Madison | Sullivan |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | William | Sullivan |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Madeline | Sweeney |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Joseph | Tang |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kaitlin | Tassmer |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Clara | Taylor |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Samantha | Teitelman |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Candace | Thompson |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Christina | Tiernan-Tiska |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Alivia | Tigeleiro |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | William | Tompkins |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Roberto | Torres Burgos |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Juliana | Traber |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ashlyn | Tranquillo |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kayla | Trevil |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Cherise | Trout |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Cassandra | Trzaski |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Vasiliki | Tsiranides |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Shauna | Tucker |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sophia | Tuozzoli |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Shayna | Turner |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sahad | Ullah |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Michael | Urban |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ayden | Van Deusen |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Hennessey | Vasquez |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Scarley | Vasquez-Guzman |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emily | Vastakis |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Pedro | Velazquez |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lindsey | Veneziano |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Janelle Louise | Ventosa |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Victoria | Vera |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Shei-Lin | Vick |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ashley | Vogt |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nicholas | Vollero |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Will | Von Brauchitsch |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Chase | Walker |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Izaiah | Walker |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Amanda | Wallace |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Victoria | Wallace |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Max | Warner |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Maci | Watrous |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Natalee | Watts |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emily | Weller |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Eryka | West |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Alexis | Wettemann |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emily | Wheaton |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Katherine | Wierzbicki |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Alexandra | Wilcox |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Rylie | Wilkes |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Dylan | Williams |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emiley | Wilson |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sarah | Witteman |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brianna | Wong |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Benjamin | Woodiwiss |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jordan | Woronecki |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Gozde | Yildiz |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sema | Yildiz |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lauren | Young |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kristin | Zack |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Annie | Zangari |
Dean’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Edona | Zekaj |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Aunalise | Anderson |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Abigail | Ashbey |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Heidi | Atuaful |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jaime | Barnes |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Wendy | Batterton |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Maria | Berrios |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jennifer | Bosquez |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | David | Brandwood |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ellie | Cantil |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Itzel | Carbajal ruiz |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Giana | Cardonita |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Zane | Carey |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Rebecca | Carney |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brittany | Case |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Eleanor | Casner |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Anna | Cenzalli |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Autumn | Church |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Anna | Civitelli |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Marissa | Colafati |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Aysia Starr | Comins-Sporbert |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kerri | Conicelli |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Hannah | Coppola |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Michael | Corsini |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Angela | Corsino |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Olivia | Courtemanche |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Taylor | Cowell |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Noelle | Daniels |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Patricia | De La Cruz |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Gabrielle | DeRusha |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Zach | Deutscher |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Yordanos | Dewo |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Medina | Duracak |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Michelle | Escobar |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Luz | Estrella Diaz |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ava | Fargeorge |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Rachel | Fleischer |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Carina | Fortunato |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sarah | Gallagher |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Abigail | Ganun |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Xinyi | Gao |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kaitlyn | Gerckens |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jz | Glazier |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Alexandria | Grenier |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sydney | Grillo |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Gudrun | Gudfinnsdottir |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brahm | Guerrera |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kaylene | Henault |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ashlyn | Henri |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Samantha | Henriquez |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jordan | Herman |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Donte’a | Highsmith |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Stephen | Honore |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Victoria | Howe |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Brandon | Jacques |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Kemar | Johnson |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Nytoni | Jones |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Miranda | Juan |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jennyfer | Julca |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Madison | Jura |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Hira | Khan |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jordan | Lanier |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Maddy | Lanni |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Liam | Ledwith |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emma | Lockwood |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jake | Lynch |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Christa | Malan |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jenny | Malcein |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Joella | Manna |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Idashly | Martinez |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Rachel | Martins |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jake | Mattei |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Andrew | McGinnis |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Lauren | Mccall |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ty | Merrill |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Makana | Michaud |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Elena | Miko |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ana | Moreno |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sam | Morrison |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Adam | Mulkern |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Devin | Mulvihill |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Renae | Musco |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Michelle | Naula |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jaclyn | Nordyk |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Karley | Northrop |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jessica | Oliveira |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Mia | Palumbo |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Matthew | Parlanti |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Allyn | Petrillo |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Samantha | Pettola |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Juliana | Pinto |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ally | Quinn |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Anne | Ranieri |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Amber | Recine |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emily | Riordan |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sara | Rivers |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Shawn | Robinson |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Adam | Roderick |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Odali | Rodriguez |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Allison | Rodriguez-Brown |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Mollie | Roman |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emily | Rowland |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Serena | Rudman |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Shannon | Ryan |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Maya | Sanabria |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Laura | Sanchez |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Aleksandra | Sandomierz |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sean | Selander |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Mackenzie | Smith |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Rebecca | Spargo |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Akera | Spears |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jesse | Suraci |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emily | Thompson |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Marcos | Torres |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Fadeke | Uguru |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Justyn | Velez |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Jennifer | Vorel |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Sierra | Wyse |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Daniel | Ybanez |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Ciera | Youmell |
President’s List | College of Health & Human Services | Emily | Ziemba |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Nate | Aime |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Andrew | Albert |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Jose | Almonte |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Awar | Appiah |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Janessa | Bartell |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Lucy | Berte |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Evan | Boland |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Steven | Borucki |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Camille | Casanas |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Aimee | Clarke |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Abigail | D’Agostina-Hatton |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Caroline | Dabkowski |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Nicole | Deslauriers |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Trinity | Ferguson |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | John | Forgione |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Alyssa | Hardison |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Abby | Hogan |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Aislinn | Holroyd |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Craig | Huydic |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Karsten | Jordan |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Jenna | King |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Daniela | Labrador |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Sarah | Lawler |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Brendan | McHugh |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Brian | Morrissey |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Abonga | Ndemba |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Daniela | Nuñez Arevalo |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Anna-Becca | Nyarko |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Linette | Padilla |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Ahmad | Pierce |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Cristina | Popoca |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Brenda | Portella |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Keera | Reed |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Gabriel | Rivera Garcia |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Fernanda | Sauceda |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Austin | Schloemer |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Amanda | Shipman |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Niamh | Taylor |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Kevin | Tran |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Isabella | Vaagen |
Dean’s List | Exploratory | Jessica | Welu |
President’s List | Exploratory | Marissa | Berg |
President’s List | Exploratory | Joshua | Brennan |
President’s List | Exploratory | Aaliyah | Davidson |
President’s List | Exploratory | Hope | Fox |
President’s List | Exploratory | Rowan | King |
President’s List | Exploratory | Lucy | Lane |
President’s List | Exploratory | Connor | Mahoney |
President’s List | Exploratory | Natalie | Quiroz Duran |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Omer | Abdulrazak |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Johanna | Acuna |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Michael | Alea |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Wajiha | Ali |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Antonio | Alvarado |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Beatrice | Alvarez |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Matilda | Appiah |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Rickey | Auger |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Arsalan | Baig |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Jessica | Baka |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Matthew | Baker |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Paul | Barbiero |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Andrey | Bastos De Carvalho |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Zachary | Bedryczuk |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Leroy | Best |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Erica | Beyer |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Devon | Bonner |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Richard | Bordiere |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Drew | Borer |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Tyler | Branch |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Jade | Brewer |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Merrick | Brown |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Demarr | Bryant |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Isaac | Burg |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Katherine | Cappetta |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Xavier | Carradero-Hasting |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Allyssa | Cassella |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Hector | Castro |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Nico | Cavaliere |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Ceyda | Cayan |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Jeremy | Cease |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Gisselle | Ceja |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Roberto | Ceja |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Nadia | Cestari |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Ankur | Chadha |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Christopher | Charles |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Chris | Chiappetta |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Jonathan | Christiano |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Sara | Civil |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Jonathan | Colascione |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Victor | Colorado |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Tanner | Correia |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Carter | Cox |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Hailey | Cupole |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Keyla | Curillo |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Olivia | D’addio |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Fouad | Dagoum |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Anndeen | Daley |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Joshua | Dana |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Matthew | Desrosiers |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Andrew | Didiano |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Lenee | Dimkin |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Zachary | Dinatale |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Sophonias | Dires |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Alex | Dominguez |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Kobe | Dominguez |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Nicole | Donovan |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Sabrina | Downs |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Collin | Doyle |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Zak | Droukas |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Ryen | Duffy |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Anthony | Ekpede |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Abdulallah | El-Jafarawi |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Anaid | Enriquez |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Nicole | Evans |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Noah | Falcioni |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Bayan | Feizizadeh |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Giuseppe | Ferrara |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Charlotte | Fielding |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Austin | Fletcher |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Mary | Foley |
Dean’s List | School of Business | William | Foley |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Taylor | Forbes |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Nathan | Friess |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Callie | Fusco |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Giuliana | Gaudio |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Emma | Gorham |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Wincharm | Grant |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Taylor | Greca |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Makayla | Greene |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Zico | Groenveld |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Jake | Gruttadauria |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Julie | Gurge |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Robert | Harmon |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Adam | Haywood |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Katelyn | Henchcliffe |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Calvert | Hendershot |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Leslie | Hernandez |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Marvin | Hernandez |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Gregory | Herold |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Tarik | Hetmyer |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Yannick | Hilpert |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Jonathan | Hines |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Jiyoon | Hwang |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Mae | Iversen |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Dajhani | John |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Pramila | John |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Zachary | Jones |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Margaret | Kallinich |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Keegan | Kennedy |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Samantha | LaFemina |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Tyler | Lafranco |
Dean’s List | School of Business | William | Lamburn |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Aaron | Lapham |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Sarah | Lemere |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Alexandra | Leso |
Dean’s List | School of Business | David | Lin |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Christina | Lombard |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Samantha | Lora Balanta |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Joseph | Macary |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Minhajul | Mahid |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Ryan | Mancini |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Gina | Mancuso |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Jack | Mandulak |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Amelia | Mansfield |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Brennan | Mansfield |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Christopher | Marchese |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Jillian | Martin |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Patrick | Martin |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Alfred | Mascola |
Dean’s List | School of Business | John | Masi |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Katherine | Matute |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Sawyer | McEwen |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Madison | Mceachern |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Brien | Mcmahon |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Richardson | Mersan |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Marcel | Miller |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Zoeë | Miller |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Michael | Monelli |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Oscar | Monteagudo |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Jose | Munguia Ahuatl |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Christ | N’dabian |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Jacob | Nastasia |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Nicholas | Nesdale |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Collin | Nodden |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Michael | Norling |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Megan | O’Donnell |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Shane | O’Neil |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Nyla | Ojeda |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Andrew | Oleynick |
Dean’s List | School of Business | George | Oleynick |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Halie | Page |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Samuel | Papp |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Michael | Pernel |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Abigayle | Piech |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Ronnie | Pinkard |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Skylar | Porter |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Nick | Ragozzino |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Alexandre | Rajao Da Cunha |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Ashley | Ramirez Lopez |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Matthew | Reed |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Dontavius | Reese |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Marvia | Reid |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Mackenzie | Rettman |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Naima | Riana |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Megan | Richard |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Calli | Riediger |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Michilla | Robinson |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Iovanni | Robledo |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Melanie | Rodriguez Pena |
Dean’s List | School of Business | John | Rohaly |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Anthony | Romanelli |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Katrina | Roy |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Jared | Russo |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Marco | Russo |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Marissa | Russo |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Thea | Ryan |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Laura | Ryer |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Alberto | Salazar |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Anthony | Sampedro |
Dean’s List | School of Business | John | Santos |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Luis | Santos |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Emily | Sartell |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Sebastian | Scrimenti |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Esra | Senocak |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Hayley | Shura |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Stephanie | Sierer |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Reyna | Singleton |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Charlie | Slater |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Simon | Smith |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Jayden | Sneed |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Hannah | Sommer |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Emily | Sosnovich |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Kevin | Spencer |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Holden | Starr |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Alexander | Stein |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Christopher | Stevens |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Gianna | Sullo |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Michael | Swan |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Alexis | Taylor |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Adeline | Theodule |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Ronan | Thomas-Bellis |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Blaine | Thompson |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Nicole | Tonelli |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Antonio | Torres |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Bennett | Trombley |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Lauryn | Tuttle |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Sam | Tyrrel |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Nyla | Urso-Serrano |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Emiliano | Valenzuela |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Hannah | Verneris |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Derek | Viets |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Anna | Vilenski |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Yazlin | Villanueva |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Adrianna | Viniczay |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Anthony | Vitacco |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Christopher | Vitti |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Sara | Walker |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Jake | Wilkinson |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Shanece | Wilson |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Alex | Wlodkowski |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Megan | Workman |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Garrett | Yocher |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Vendela | Zayrath |
Dean’s List | School of Business | Tyler | Zolkowski |
President’s List | School of Business | Erinda | Alinani |
President’s List | School of Business | Justin | Aprea |
President’s List | School of Business | Quentin | Askew |
President’s List | School of Business | Preston | Baldovin |
President’s List | School of Business | Matthew | Battipaglia |
President’s List | School of Business | Jennifer | Borucki |
President’s List | School of Business | Manuela | Carvalho |
President’s List | School of Business | McClain | Cassello |
President’s List | School of Business | Umberto | Catale |
President’s List | School of Business | Grace | Conselyea |
President’s List | School of Business | Brynn | Costello |
President’s List | School of Business | Emily | Cummings |
President’s List | School of Business | Jordan | Drabek |
President’s List | School of Business | Lauriane | Ebrottie |
President’s List | School of Business | Mayreliz | Estrada |
President’s List | School of Business | Haley | Franco |
President’s List | School of Business | Owen | Gagne |
President’s List | School of Business | Fatima | Garcia-Ramirez |
President’s List | School of Business | Jennifer | Genera |
President’s List | School of Business | Thomas | Gilbertie |
President’s List | School of Business | Gyasi | Govan |
President’s List | School of Business | John | Grasso |
President’s List | School of Business | Gillian | Hess |
President’s List | School of Business | Sean | Hessberger |
President’s List | School of Business | Aidan | Holroyd |
President’s List | School of Business | Colin | Kells-Murphy |
President’s List | School of Business | Lyse Myrtha | Marcelus |
President’s List | School of Business | McClay | Marshall |
President’s List | School of Business | Scott | McMillan |
President’s List | School of Business | Juan | Melecio |
President’s List | School of Business | Kevin | Paucar |
President’s List | School of Business | Jared | Purslow |
President’s List | School of Business | Christopher | Roewer |
President’s List | School of Business | Joseph | Sarango |
President’s List | School of Business | Julia | Sevell |
President’s List | School of Business | Lorea | Snyder |
President’s List | School of Business | Jaden | Spanakos |
President’s List | School of Business | Joshua | Stagon |
President’s List | School of Business | Jason | Summerfield |
President’s List | School of Business | Victoria | Widman |